ADHD Testing
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity-Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD Diagnosis
The Clinical Psychologist can clinically diagnose ADHD using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - Fifth Edition (DSM-V) and compare the behavior of clients suspected with ADHD against people of his or her age.
Our assessment process is provided over 3 sessions, where the 3rd session is used to feedback results from testing. Assessment will also provide clinical recommendations to assist with supporting you into the future.
An ADHD assessment will cost $ 650.00, which is inclusive of all 3 sessions. If you have a referral from your GP, we maybe able to charge Medicare for a portion of the total fee.
ADHD diagnoses can be paid for privately. For Private Health rebates please contact your provider.
To Book:
Please call the clinic on 0490 755 953 to book an initial consultation and to obtain and further information. If you prefer to send us email, please email us @
Please note this clinic is currently open:
Wednesdays - 9am - 5pm
Thursday - 9am - 5pm
Fridays - 9am - 2pm